Trump Trash Can

March 23, 2017

Exactly what it sounds like. I think this could sell very well in Latin America (especially in Mexico) where most toilets throughout the entire region cannot flush paper. So, you wad up used toilet paper and put it in a covered trash can next to the toilet.

What trash can could be better for the purpose?

P.S. Garbage man. Garbage man. Does whatever a garbage can.

P.P.S. I’m not asking that anyone send money. I just think it’s funny.

Petition: Employ the Electoral College to avoid a Donald Trump presidency, as was intended by the founders

November 10, 2016

This is what the electoral college was put in place to do. It was always intended to protect us from ourselves. The founders understood that the greatest risk to democracy was that “we the people” would vote against having a democracy.

If the electoral college refuses to do their jobs, “You’re fired!”

My Nightmare: What if it’s true that no one respects women more than Trump?

October 21, 2016

At the last debate, Donal Trump again reiterated that no one has more respect for women than he does. That got me thinking, unfortunately.

If all men had the same level of respect for women as Donald J. Drumpf, what kind of a world would we live in? Worse, what if some women had so little self-respect that they voted for someone who cared as little for women as Donald Trump?

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De Niro Wants to Punch Drumpf in the Face, But Insults Animals Instead

October 8, 2016

Robert De Niro would like to punch Donald J. Drumpf in the face, a worthy goal indeed. But, disturbingly, he insults animals by comparing them to Drumpf in the process of telling us why he’d like to punch the Donald.

Vindicating the Electoral College?

May 1, 2016

Not just yet. But, I finally do see a potential for the existence of this abhorrent construct to be vindicated for the first time in my lifetime.

Some of you may know that for years or even decades, I have been outraged by the existence of the electoral college in the United States. This constitutional load of horseshit undermines both our pretense of being a nation and our pretense of being a democracy.

A democratic nation would have a national election. We do not. We have state elections and the states send representatives to vote on our behalf … unless they don’t.

A democracy would be a country where every citizen had an equal vote. We do not. Individuals in some states have 3 times the voting power of individuals in other states.

I have hated this construct with a burning, seething, fiery passion since I first learned the details of it. It makes me sick that the founders of this once-great non-nation thought that people should not be allowed to vote for president of the United States.

How could I change my mind so radically on this important subject?

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“Trumped” Starring Matthew Broderick & Nathan Lane

March 18, 2016

From the too true to be good department.

The 2016 Presidential Election Political Compass is out!

February 4, 2016

It’s finally here. Check where your favorite candidate falls on the official political compass. And, please do click through and read the analysis below the chart. It’s quite enlightening.

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