Theists: Do You Fear Eternity in Heaven? (Seriously. Please read.)

September 12, 2014

Background for people new to my blog: I am an atheist and antitheist. But, I ask this question seriously and am hoping for a real discussion on the subject.

It occurred to me recently when thinking about eternity just how long we’re talking about and that even in heaven, were I to believe in heaven, I think I would end up so incredibly bored by the monotony of it that oblivion would be very welcome indeed.

Sure the first million years would be a blast!

Nearly all of us would like more time than we get on this planet. But, how long?

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Sam Harris and the Christian God(s)

December 1, 2013

I added the S since I maintain that Christianity with God/Yahweh, Jesus, The Holy Ghost (the three never tied together as a trinity in the Bible), Holy Mary Mother of God (really??!!?), Satan/Beelzebub/Lucifer, and a whole bunch of angels, saints, cherubim, seraphim, incubi, and succubi, is clearly polytheism. Satan, in particular, is so powerful that God seems unable to zap Him into oblivion, making him a god of equal power to Yahweh.

Anyway, on to Sam Harris’ great speech. Note the more subtle unspoken references to, at least, “In God We Trust” on our money (3:15), Book of Mormon (4:34), faith healing (4:37), Sister Act (4:44), and Monty Python (6:02).

Note also that Sam Harris points out that God is impotent or evil. I prefer the term omnimpotent since our laws of physics show no signs of occasional tampering by any deity. Therefore, for God to remain undetectable by science, as is his wont, he must remain completely and utterly impotent in every possible way with respect to any effect on the observable universe. Therefore, the correct term is omnimpotent. This is my own term that I am trying to define and spread as a meme. Feel free to use it with or without credit to me.

Why Christians Will Burn In Hell

August 17, 2013

Of course, as an atheist, I do not believe in hell. So, clearly I believe no one will burn in it. However, by their own religious beliefs, it is easy to show that Christians are not following their Bible and will thus “burn in hell” forever and ever with fire and brimstone and gnashing of teeth and all the rest.

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Jesus Hates Me!

September 25, 2007

First, let me make a few things clear to avoid a bunch of misunderstandings.

  1. I am an atheist and antitheist. This means I do not believe in any deity, including Jesus, and so don’t really believe my own title.
  2. I do not hate Christianity more than any other type of theism. I am writing this post primarily in response to Higghawker who has repeatedly posted scripture on my site, presumably with the intent of converting me. It is my hope to redirect all such replies to this topic and leave non-religious topics free of mythological influence.
  3. I believe it is highly unlikely that Jesus ever existed as a human being.

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