Subway Panhandler Pranks the Whole Car

August 8, 2013

May The 4th Be With You 2012 — Star Wars in the Subway

May 4, 2012

Courtesy Improv Everywhere

My favorite touch is the Galactic Rebellion for Dummies book. The Improv Everywhere website above has some good photos and explanations around this bit of subway theater.

Thanks to Alida for the find.

Welcome to the NYC Free Subway System

December 30, 2008

Here’s an interesting plan to solve two of New York City’s current problems in one fell swoop. First, the subway would be free, at least during off peak hours, and possibly ultimately around the clock. Second, vehicular traffic into the city would be expensive. This new Kheel plan from a long term veteran of conflict resolution promises a wonderful solution to the problems of a transit system in financial crisis and a city clogged with traffic.

Being the pessimist that I am, and looking at what happened to the Bloomberg plan for congestion pricing, I don’t really have much hope for this. However, this just might be exactly what New York needs.

Kheel Plan 2 Seeks to Plug MTA Budget Gap

For the full Kheel plan in PDF as well as an overview of the Theodore W. Kheel’s awe inspiring credentials, click below.

The Full Kheel Plan

Thanks to my wife for a great find.

New York City Off The Tourist Track

September 30, 2007

I’m taking the liberty of assuming that there is a boatload of information about tourism in New York that will get you to all of the major sites. However, I live here. And, I have different tastes than many people. So, I’m going to provide some information for getting off the beaten track in New York City. Yes, that is possible.

From a New Yorker’s viewpoint, I find it amusing to go through Times Square or 5th Avenue in the 50s. I see the streets so crowded that I end up walking in the street rather than on the sidewalk, especially through Times Square, and imagine all the tourists going home and talking about how overcrowded New York is. Yes. It’s crowded here, but not that crowded. Those areas are crowded with tourists, not residents.

So, for some ways to get out of the crowd, click the more link to see the rest of this post.

Recent Updates

I plan to keep this topic as somewhat of a living document. As I think of things I’ll add them, so check back. Here are the updates since I published the post.

9/30/2007 9:54 AM EDT – Added public restrooms section and link to urban park ranger led walks.
9/30/2007 4:30 PM EDT – Added science lecture section.
10/1/2007 9:42 PM EDT – Added links to the restaurants already mentioned and started a list of different restaurants.

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