The World As Seen Through the Eyes of a Trump Voter

7 Responses to The World As Seen Through the Eyes of a Trump Voter

  1. J R McGillawee says:

    Meanwhile, North of the Border, Chump could not get elected Dog Catcher! He is roundly disliked au Canada!

  2. ECA says:

    Thats 15% of the people in each..

    The problem is that people THINK..what is on TV is something special. but its nothing more then a ROTARY CLUB ELECTION.

    This is 2 groups deciding(after getting paid off) WHO to give MOST of the money to, to get the job of president or Mayor or Representative or congress or what EVER job in the government..

    And the PEOPLE dont see the other candidates..and there are ALLOT of them..and FEW IF ANY are invited to the debates..WHICH ARE FOR THE GROUP, no outsiders..they make a Big deal of this, to make it look important..

    I tell people that there are only 2 groups in the USA…some smart people will stop me and tell me there are more..and THERE ARE..but they dont make 1/1000 the money these 2 do.

    Another Think. in all of this, is HOW LONG a person has been working for the gov. MOST have been working in the background for YEARS..Clinton, I think has been in it for over 30 years..easily..

    Another think.. Look into Family history, and relations, you will find that Almost ALL are family members of previous elected people.. Even Obama..

    I could keep talking, but this is enough to give MOST people a head ache..

    Thats 15% of the people in each..

    Don’t forget that I’m mixed up in that 30%. But I’m a Liberal. The problem is that my party is dead. In both New York and New Jersey, you must register for a party to vote in its primary. So, I registered Democrap. My mom used to register Repugnican to vote for the least evil candidate in a county that always went Repugnican. Then she’d vote for the Democrap.

    These are the only two parties that matter. If you vote for any other, you vote for whichever of the big two you hate more.

    Almost ALL are family members of previous elected people.. Even Obama..

    Really? Who in his family was an elected official?

  4. ECA says:

    Kenyan senior governmental economist and the father of U.S. President Barack Obama.
    It’s already been learned that Mr. Obama is related, however distantly, to people as diverse as Warren Buffett, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and George W. Bush.

    • Have you ever played 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon? That limits the pool of people to professional and credited actors. And, you’d have a really difficult time finding a professional actor who has been in at least one film or TV show that is not within 6 degrees.

      So, why should we be surprised that Obama is related to the people you mention with no limit on the degree of separation?

      Perhaps you and I are as well.

  5. ECA says:

    I saw a list of All relitives, and there links..and there is one in his well as (I think) one of his fathers, was in an Economist for the government..Direct lines I have not found..

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