Snow Leopards: Livestock Insurance: A Game Changer for People and Animals

March 4, 2018

This award winning video describing a wonderful program by the Snow Leopard Trust shows the effectiveness of working with local communities, especially those who lose livestock to snow leopard attacks, can do amazing things to prevent the number one threat to these beautiful animals today, retribution killing.

The video made by a staff of three beat out videos from such major organizations as BBC to win the best video showing the interaction of big cats and people.

Be forewarned, there is a disturbing scene that does show dead snow leopards.

But, the outlook for this program is fantastic, especially since it is run by the community that it helps and that in turn helps the snow leopard to survive.

Livestock Insurance: A Game Changer for People and Animals

India Travel Log and Photos

October 31, 2007

From 2/4/2005 – 26/2005, my wife and I went to India on a World Wildlife Fund trip. This was our first trip with a digital camera. We had replaced our two film camera bodies with a single Canon EOS 20D. We also replaced our wide angle lens, due to the 1.6x conversion factor of the camera body. We began using our current wide angle lens, a 17-85mm EF-S Image Stabilized lens.

Obviously, we hoped to see tigers on this trip but were trying our hardest not to get our hopes too high. It is very possible to go all the way to India on a trip specifically designed to maximize tiger viewing and still not be lucky enough to see one. So, we tried our hardest to prepare ourselves for the possibility of poor luck. Of course, we also hoped to see a lot of other amazing wildlife that exists throughout India.

Our total counts for the trip were 180 bird species and 21 mammal species. Even those impressive stats do not do justice to this truly wonderful and very different trip for us. Surprisingly, even many of the human aspects of the trip were incredibly interesting. The culture of India is truly unique. We saw evidence of the early Jain and Hindu culture, as well as the later influence as the Muslims and Christians came through. Many aspects of this even caught the attention of this misanthrope.

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