Niel deGrasse Tyson: Reason and Faith are Irreconcilable

May 16, 2014

I agree. I also disagree with Steven Jay Gould regarding Non-Overlapping Magisteria. I think religion and science are in direct conflict. To believe both requires turning off the science part of your brain while thinking about the religious part and vice versa. I think this is hypocrisy.

We all live with hypocrisy. Perhaps there are others who can live with that level of hypocrisy. I cannot. I’m sure others would chide me for the levels of hypocrisy with which I am capable of dealing. So, ….

Anyway, Niel does a great job (as always) explaining why reason and faith do not work together. He also takes on the God of the Gaps. Intelligent religious people do not go for the Incredible Shrinking God of the Gaps.
